Tuesday, 1 November 2011

DJ Mahli & GMK Give Away Competition .

The Rules for the Competition DJ MAHLI & GMK Exclusive Give Away competiton starting today .

Competiton rules :

you need to click like on DJ MAHLI FAN PAGE on FACEBOOK and also GMK's FACEBOOK FAN PAGE and comment on both fan pages DJ MAHLI SENT ME 

 this is a must as its the only way we can check ! it must be BOTH FAN PAGES !

- The giveaway begins on now November 2nd and ends November 20 th at 11pm EST
- This is open to anyone internationally
- winner will be picked randomly using a computer generated program.

To increase your chances of winner if you share this post on your FB wall your name will be entered twice in the competition You must let your friends who you have refered to write your name on both fan pages that they were referred by you for the DJ MAHLI competition . 

YOU MUST LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS if you are commenting on my blog as well besides liking both fan pages stated in this competition give way (or I can't contact you) with the words Enter me as a comment bellow or else I can't count your vote and go to both fan pages as stated in this post  and write MAHLI SENT ME GMK GIVE AWAY 

                This is the GMK Unisex Leather Bracelet Cuff you have a chance of winning 

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